Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23

Would you rather have a spider crawl into your mouth while you were sleeping, or have a spider crawl into your ear while sleeping?

In my Mouth I guess, Becasue they say..spiders already crawl into your mouth when your sleeping.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21st

Would you rather lose the ability to see or lose the ability to hear?

Lose to Ability to hear.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

March 20th

Would you rather... Forget to study for an exam, or stay up late studying, sleep in, and miss half of it?

Up late Studying, And miss Half of it, becasue Iam more Likley to get a better mark That way, than not studying

Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16th

Today is DAY SIX. There are four classes left to finish your website. What does that mean?

That I should Use my Time, Wisley to Finish up.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 14th

What goes around the world, but stay in the corner?

Umm, I dont no

Friday, May 9, 2008

May 9th.

If you could choose any age to be for the rest of your life, how old would you stay and why?

I would be 24, Becasue Your not to Young or to Old, And it would be The perfect Age to Raise A family and by that age, you would be already graduated and most likley finished college, So yeah Thats a good age.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

March 7th.

If you could give $1000 to any charity, where would you send the money and why?

I look to see, what Charity needed the most money, than give the money to that one.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

March 6

Yesterdays Class, I wasent Here so I cant answer That, but I could Answer for others time, well durning Class I do work on my Project, But I am Also On other sites, but I dont see whats wrong with that becasue I am still doing the work,
And I am Done my Project for the most past, i just got a make a few minor adjustments and its good to go.

Friday, May 2, 2008

May 2nd.

Imagine that you wanted to be friends with someone who spoke a language that you didn't understand. What would you do? How would you try to communicate to that person?

Actually, I dont no what I would do, perhaps I'd try and understand their language By trying to learn his/her language Myself, but Iam not to sure, that would be a complicating situation to be in.