Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 23rd.

What would you do if you were invited a birthday party, and an hour before it started, you realized you forgot to get a present?

I would be a bit ticked off, that I forget to get him/her something, but I would still go, It be rude if I didnt, And i would still get him/her something, another time, of coarse not long after, maybe the next day I would bring him/her a present.

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21

Nothing special, I do what I do everyday, rain dosent stop me!

Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11th

If it was possible to spend a weekend on the moon, what would you bring with you?

First the Main Supplies, Foood, water, and possibly a Oxygen Tank, Tent, and a few things for Entertainment, Plus I would Bring a few Close Friends.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What is your favourite internet website and why?

Umm, I dont Really know, Im hardley ever On the computer, so I dont search alot of things, but the things That i have checked out.. i would say.. Astrology On my Zodiac Sign Libra.. WHY?
becasue its Interesting..and Coool to look up!

Monday, April 7, 2008

umm I would Say personaility means more to me, Looks to me are something but it aient Everything, personailty refects who you are as a person, so yeah definitly personailtiy