Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27th

For spring break, ill be hanging out with my Friend carmel. becasue shes comming out to visit me for a few days, since i havent see her in a year or so, other than that just hanging out with friends and family, and sleeping alot.

March 27th

For spring break, ill be hanging out with my Friend carmel. becasue shes comming out to visit me for a few days, since i havent see her in a year or so, other than that just hanging out with friends and family, and sleeping alot.

March 27th

For spring break, ill be hanging out with my Friend carmel. becasue shes comming out to visit me for a few days, since i havent see her in a year or so, other than that just hanging out with friends and family, and sleeping alot.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 18th.

I rather not have any celebrites play my role, if anything i rather myself play my own role.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Havent Really though about it before, but i guess i would think it means, everyone has their own personal opoion becasue not everybody see's things in the same way, so it all depends upon the message the picture gives you

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11th.

I think you should buy a chocolate bar from me because well i dont really know why, there isent a specific reason why you should, But ill be nice but either way whoever you buy it from their going to get money and be closer to selling their chocolate bars, its all going to the same place, so it dosent matter to me who you buy it from, its basically just the effort one puts in to raising the money.

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10th.

What would I do to make the world better place?, I would do alot of things but most of it are problems that couldent be solved just like that, for example- war, world hunger, poverty, Cancer and other diseases they havent found a cure for yet, If i was able to fix all these problems I would.

Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7th.

If i found a cell phone, i would probably call a few numbers on the phone, and see who it belonged too, then i would arrange for the owner of the cell phone to come and pick it up.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5th

I agree, i dont think Money can Buy, happyness, you can buy nice things that in someways could make you happy, i dont no all depends on the persons perspective on the topic.

Monday, March 3, 2008

March 3rd

My idea of a perfect day is either, hanging out relaxing at home with a few goood movies with a friend or relatives hanging out, or going to the beach when its hot outside.